3 nädalat ühes potis kokku keedetud supina


Hallo, meine liebe Freunde!

Ma teen nüüd sellise triki, et panen 3 nädalat üheks postituseks, et jõuda järje peale nädalatega. Vot nii. Viimase kolme nädalaga on nii mõndagi toimunud. On olnud palju uusi teadmisi, üha suurenevat janu Taevase Isa järele, palju uusi kohtumisi ja uusi kogemusi. Aga siin siis nüüd 8., 9. ja 10. nädala seiklused.

Septembrikuu viimase nädala veetsime Narvas. Mulle pole varasemalt Narva väga meeldinud, kuna seal eriti eesti keelt ei kuule ja palju vaadata pole. Vähemalt nii ma arvasin. Uskumatu, kui kriitiline ma olin 5 aastat tagasi ja kui enesekeskne. Muidugi on tore, kui vene rahvusest inimesed õpivad eesti keelt elades Eestis, aga isegi, kui ei õpi, siis ei saa mõelda, et nad on halvad inimesed. Olin sel nädalal, vastupidiselt 5 aasta tagusele ajale, millest eksisteerib ka fototõestus, kusjuures, hoopis tänulik ja kasutasin automaatselt vene keelt, justkui nagu austuseks või aksepteerimaks neid, kes Narvas elavad ja meie keelt ei oska. Meid võeti igal pool nii hästi vastu, et lihtsalt uskumatu kohati. Kui me Narva kirikusse jõudsime, siis ootas meid juba kausitäis küpsiseid ja kohvi, isegi, kui kell oli 21-22 paiku.

Kuulsin lugu, kuidas staffi üks inimene läks meie pesu pesema pesupesemiskohta. Sealt ütles vene proua, et nende juures nii palju ei saa pesta. Ja siis juhtus midagi, mida iga päev ei näe, kui siis ehk Narvas. Too naine pani oma pesumaja kinni, sõitis meiega oma tuttava juurde, kellel oli suurem pesumaja. Too teine naine pesi meie 34 kg pesu 3 päevaga ja tegi ka soodustust. Kogu selle loo juures on huvitav see, et keegi peale selle proua ei osanud eriti vene keelt, aga ikkagi kuidagi saadi hakkama.

Teine tore lugu on mitte eriti kaugelt meie ööbimiskohast, meie esimestel minutitel Narvat avastades. Läksime pisikesse kaltsukasse šoppama. Naeratav tädi tervitas meid, aitas alati vajadusel ja jällegi, tegi kõikidele soodukaid. Ma sain näiteks talvejope ja vihmajope kokku 7 euroga (muidu oli 10 eurot). Ja siis poest välja astudes tervitasid meid 3 meest, jutukas tujus, esimeste lausete seas kõlas ka “Jumal on hea”. Puterdasime oma vene keeles koos inglise keelega segamini ja üks mees oli ka eestlane. Ta rääkis, kui ilus ja tore on Narva ja õpetas ka, kuidas naiste eest tuleb hoolt kanda. Väga soe vastuvõtt igatahes.

Narvas õpetas ja jagas oma lugusid Jim Austraaliast, kes rääkis Jumalast kui armastavast Isast ja andeks andmisest. Ta jagas, kui oluline on andestada, teha otsus, et andestad, sest ajaga ei parane haavad. Haavad paranevad vaid siis, kui oleme andestanud. Kui ma olin umbes 10aastane, tuli meie perre mees, kellest sai minu kasuisa. Järgnevad 13-14 aastat olid täis rõõmu, kurbust, hirmu, vihastumist, ärritust jne. Ma võiks terve raamatu kogu ajast kirjutada, aga ma parem hetkel ei hakka. Vaadates videosid sellest ajast, kohati imestan, kui kergesti ma ärritusin ja kui kuri ma olin oma väikevennaga. Samas rohkem mõeldes ei imesta, et ma nii kergelt ärritusin. Mul oli madal enesehinnang, ma ei julgenud kunagi oma arvamust jagada, muretsesin, mida keegi minust arvab, tahtsin alati kaalust alla võtta. Siinkohal ei hakka ma kedagi süüdistama, vaid tahan pigem tuua välja, et misiganes meie peres sel ajal ka ei toimunud, olen ma oma kasuisale andestanud. Inimlikult poleks ma suutnud talle kunagi andestanud, aga koos Jumalaga pole miski võimatu. Kui varem ma tahtsin teda igal võimalikul viisil ignoreerida, siis nüüd näen ma pigem katkise hingega inimest, kelle südant Jumal tahab tervendada. Kui ma tagasi Eesti tulen, siis tahan kindlasti midagi teha tema heaks, et ta näeks, et hoolimata kõigest Isa taevas tahab teda ikkagi oma perekonda vastu võtta.

Nädalalõpul toimusid ka kirikupäevad, kus erinevad konfessioonid tulid kokku ühtse perekonnana. Olime abiks näljaste suude toitmisele, kohtusin oma armsa Misjonikooriga, nautisin nende kontserdil õhkkonda täis Jumala armastust ja jagasin oma tunnistust noortekal. Sai nähtud palju uusi ja vanu tuttavaid nägusid.

Ja siis hakkas meie 14tunnine reis Vilniuse suunas. Oeh, oli see alles reis. Lõpuks jõudsime imelisse Vilniusesse. Teisipäeval läks aga töö hoolega lahti, Jill Usast oli saabunud meie kirikuruumi ja haris meid teemal misjonitöö ja kultuuride ristumine (cross cultures). Ta jagas, kuidas tal oli suur armastus kaartide tegemise vastu, kuid ei teadnud, kuidas seda misjonipõllul kasutada. Läbi erinevate kohtumiste selgus, et otsiti parasjagu kaarditegijat ja nii saigi tema teekond YWAMiga alguse. Jill innustas meid küsima Jumalalt, kuidas kasutada südamelähedasi oskusi või ande kuningriigitöös. Alati ei pea minema selleks välismaale või lahkuma oma töölt, vaid Jumal saab sind kasutada väga mitmetel erinevatel viisidel ja kohtades, näiteks selleks, et arendada erinevad valdkonnad ühiskonnas selliseks, milliseks nad olid algselt loodud.

Cross culture oli samuti väga huvitav, kuidas sooja kliima kultuurid ja külma kliima kultuurid on nii erinevad ning kuidas saavutada koostööd. Mul on palju näiteid neist, kirjuta mulle, kui soovid rohkem teada saada! Lihtsalt ei mahu siia postitusse kõik.

Mõned põnevad kaardid ja netileheküljed, kus on erinevaid vahendeid kasutamiseks.

Eelmisel, 10. nädalal rääkisime teemal Jumala kartus/aukartus vms (sellele pole päris õiget sõna eesti keeles). Meile kõneles imeline naisterahvas Usast, Mary (igaks juhuks rohkem ei avalda). Aga mis on siis jumalakartus/ Jumala aukartus vms? Et nagu, kardan Jumalat, sest Ta on kõikvõimas, ja seetõttu igaks juhuks kuuletun Talle, et Ta ei vihastuks mu peale, kui valesti teen? Just sellisena antud sõnapaar minu mõttes kõlab ja just seetõttu on kahju, et meie keeles pole head väljendit. Ma püüan võimatut ehk siis võtan kokku jumalakartuse definitsiooni ühte lausesse, kuigi selle definitsiooni seletati meile terve nädal. Väga julge samm minu poolt. Aga proovime siis. Jumalakartus on Jumala armastamine, Tema usaldamine ja Talle järgnemine, tehes, mida iganes Ta palub teha, teades, et see on parim valik, kuna Tema teadmine on kõrgeim ja Ta näeb meid ülalt, seega teab, mis on parim, kuna Tal on meie elule palju suurem ja laiem perspektiiv. Viimase lauseosa selgitamiseks toon võrdpildi jalgpallimängust telekast. Kui sa oled mängija väljakul, siis näed enamasti vaid järgmist otsust, kellele pall sööta. Kui sa aga vaatad mängu telekast, siis sa näed kõiki mängijaid ja näed, kuhu on kõige parem pall lüüa, arvestades asjaolusid ja mängijate positsioone. Me aga tihtipeale arvame, et me teame paremini. Elades aga oma õiguses elada head elu, võime ilma jääda parimast elust, mis Jumalal meile varuks on. Tegelikkuses pole meil ühtegi muud õigust kui et õigus olla kogu universumi Looja tütar või poeg. Ta on meid loonud, seega kuulub kõik Talle, nii meie riided, auto kui rätik või püksinööp. Me saame vaid tänulikud olla, et saame kõike seda kasutada ja et Ta hoolitseb meie eest. Üks asi veel, väike soe näpunäide vms: palju lihtsam on öelda iga päev jah Jeesusele kui et öelda kogu aeg ei patule.

Sellised vahvad nädalad Eestis ja Leedus. Sel nädalal oleme veel Leedus, aga järgmine nädal juba Lätis ja siis Rootsi.

Nagu alati, ootan teiepoolseid kommentaare ja arutelusid! Siiani väga pole olnud, aga ikkagi ootan!

Õnnistusi soovides



Hallo, meine liebe Freunde!

I’m going to do something magical now. I will put 3 weeks together as one. Pooh! Done. With those 3 magical weeks I have gained a lot of new knowledge, met new people, had new experiences and have got more thirsty for our Heavenly Father. But let’s start then. Following are adventures from week 8, 9 and 10.Last week of September we spent in Narva. In the past I haven’t liked Narva so much because 80-90% of the people there are russians and you can’t hear estonian much in this city. Also, my first expression some years ago was that there is nothing else to see in Narva except the castle. It’s unbelievable how critical I was 5 and more years ago and how egoistic I was. Of course it’s nice if russians study estonian if they live in Estonia but if they don’t then it’s not my job to judge them for that. I should rather just love them in the way they are. So in that week I was (in the contrary how I was 5 years ago. Btw i have a photoproof of that) being opposite – I was thankful for all the people we met and for the town. I put my pride down and automatically used my broken russian to communicate even though I was in Estonia. All the people we met were so nice to us and we felt unbelievably welcomed. Already the first minutes in the church where we stayed, we got offered cookies and coffee even though the time was 9-10pm.A day later I heard a story from our staff who went to wash our clothes. There was a russian lady who said that we have too many clothes and she can’t take them but she knows a lady who has bigger washing house. And then what did she do? She closed her laundry house, drove with us to the place her friend was working (like 10-15 min away from her place) and showed us the place. The other lady washed our 34 kg of clothes with 3 days and made a discount. And nobody except those russians ladies could speak russian. And those ladies didn’t speak english so it’s suprising how they managed to communicate.Other lovely story was not far from the church we stayed at. It was our first minutes discovering beautiful Narva. We went to a small second hand shop. Smiling lady welcomed us, was always helpful and of course, made good discounts. For example, I got a winterjacket and raincoat together for 7 euros (should have payed 10). And when we went out from the shop, there was 3 men who all were in a good mood. First or second sentence one of them said, was “God is good”. I have never heard random person saying it in Estonia on the street. That was something we did not expect. We talked in english, russian and estonian with them and the estonian man shared probably half of his life with us and he was very happy to live in Narva. Besides everything he also taught us to take care of women and shared his wisdom with us.In Narva Jim from Australia was sharing many testimonies from his life and talked about God as loving Father and about forgiveness. He shared how important it is to forgive, to make a choice that you forgive because with time all your wounds and hurts doesn’t get healed themselves. You will get healed only when you forgive. When I was around 10 years old, a man came to our life who became my stepfather. Following 13-14 years were full of joy, sadness, fear, getting angry etc. I could write a whole book about this period of my life but maybe next time, not today. When I watch old videos from that time then I’m kinda suprised or maybe not, how angry I was with my little brother all the time for small things. I had low self-confidence, I was too afraid to share my opinion about anything, I was very worried about what others think about me, I always wanted to loose weight. I don’t want to blame anyone right now but I rather want to point out how I have forgiven my stepfather everything that was going on in our family. But I couldn’t have done it without God. But with God everything is possible. If before I was avoiding him in every possible way and he did the same, then now I see him as a person with broken heart whose heart God wants to heal. When I go back to Estonia I definitely want to do something for him so that he would see that no matter what, his Heavenly Father still is waiting him to join the family, arms wide open.On the weekend there was Narva’s churchdays event happening where different denominations came together as one family and praised our God and worked together in unity. We were helping with filling hungry stomacks, helping at youth events, I met with my lovely choir, enjoyed their concert full of God’s love and shared my testimony at the youth event. I got to meet many new faces and old faces.

And then started our 14 hours long trip to Vilnius, Lithuania. Oh boy, what a trip! Finally we arrived to amazing Vilnius. On Monday we could just rest but from Tuesday hard work started again. Jill from USA had arrived to our church and educated us on topic about missions and cross cultures. She shared her story how she had big passion for doing maps but didn’t know how to use it in missions. But for God there is no passion He could not use. So through some people and meetings she found out that YWAM was looking for a map maker and that’s how her path began. Jill inspired us to always ask God how to use skills and passions that are close to our hearts, to the Kingdom work. Often God doesn’t call us to go outside of our homeland but to use us in different ways and places to develop spheres of society wherever we are to their original design.Cross cultures topic was also very interesting how hot climate cultures and cold climate cultures are so different and how important it is to know the differences to avoid conflicts and cooperate well. I have many examples of the differences, if you want to know more then write me! Everything just doesn’t fit here.Some exciting maps and internet sites that you could use for different use.

Last week, on 10th week we talked about fear of the Lord. We had an amazing woman from USA, Mary. But what is fear of the Lord then? Like I’m being afraid of God because He is almighty and just in case I obey Him so that He wouldn’t get angry on me if I make mistakes? Because this is exactly what kinda comes to my mind if I think about the phrase fear of the Lord. I try to do impossible now and put the definition of fear of the Lord into one sentence although we talked about the definition for the whole week. Very brave of me. But let’s do it. Fear of the Lord is loving God , trusting Him, following Him and obeying in everything He asks us to do (obeying because I love Him and that’s why I want to obey) and knowing that this is the best option because His wisdom is the highest and He sees us from highest perspective so He knows what is best for us. To illustrate the last part, imagine a football match. When you are a player there, then you just see where should you hit the ball next, where is the best possibility to pass the ball. And now imagine you are someone watching this match from tv. You have overview of the whole field and you see a bigger picture where it is smart to hit the ball next. This is same with God. He is like watching us living life from high perspective like this person watching match from tv. Unfortunately often we think that we know better. We live our life and think that we have right to do this and that. But consentrating on your rights and getting good life, you may miss the best life God has for you. What we learned this week was that we have only one right – right to be daughters and sons of the Creator of this Universum. He has created us so everything we have, belongs to Him, our clothes, car, towel and also a banana that we just bought for us to eat. And we can just be thankful that we can use it all and that He takes care of all of our needs. And one small thing: if you are struggling with sinning then know that it is easier to say yes to Jesus every day rather than saying no to sin every day.

And that’s all for this time. It was amazing time in Narva (Estonia) and Vilnius (Lithuania). This week we are still in Lithuania but next week we go to Latvia and then outreach to Sweden!!!As always, I’m waiting for your comments and discussions although I haven’t had many. But I’m still waiting!Blessings


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