Aga esmalt – suur suur aitäh kõikidele, kes on palvetanud meie eest!! Meil on olnud imeline aeg koos. Oleme näinud palju Jumala imesid ja tegusid ning meie omavaheline suhtlus ja koostöö on sujunud uskumatult hästi, kuigi oleme kõik väga erinevad inimesed. Ikka väga erinevad. Aga tänu Jumalale, et kõik on hästi!

Lisaks, juba mõnda aega tagasi tegelt, tegime video, kus saab aimu, kes me oleme, mis on DTS ja mida me outreachil teeme! Vaata järgi! :


Aga tõesti, täiesti uskumatult võimas aeg on olnud! Kuna õppetunde väga enam ei ole, siis saan teiega palju lugusid jagada! Niisiis, oleme olnud siin juba 5 nädalat ja veel on 2 nädalat ees. Nii tihe on olnud, et pole väga jõudnud kirjutadagi.. aga nüüd kirjutan!


Esimene nädal, tähelepanu, valmis olla, start!

Esimese nädala olime Stockholmis, tegime peamiselt koostööd YWAM Stockholmiga ja Santa Clara kirikuga. Päevad olid sisutihedad, puhata meil väga ei lastud, aga kas peakski? Ma tegelt veidi liialdan. Muidugi puhkasime, Jumalgi puhkas pärast maailma loomist.

Kes ei tea Santa Clara kirikut Stockholmis, siis see on üks imeline kirik ja kogudus! Kunagi oli see katolik kirik, aga hetkel ilus luteri kirik. Iga päev jagatakse toitu inimestele, kellel puudub muu võimalus, lõuna ajal minnakse Plattanile (avalik koht metrooterminali juures) ning jagatakse tasuta kohvi ning teed.

Toidu jagamisel on nii mõnigi nägu sealsetele vabatahtlikele tuttav – kas siis seetõttu, et nad käivad tihti toitu võtmas või oli too vabatahtlik mõni aeg tagasi ise samas olukorras. Imeline on kuulda lugusid inimestest, kes olid varem kodutud või rasketes sõltuvustes, siis aga leidis neid Jumal Santa Clara inimeste kaudu või muudmoodi ja peagi olid nemad need, kes aitasid teisi, kes on samas olukorras, millest nemad Jumala abil olid välja tulnud. Rikkalikust valikust toitu võttes mõni vaatab sulle otsa ja naeratab, mõni paotab mõne hea sõna, mõni peab nii pika vestluse, et hoiab järjekorda kinni, kuid on ka neid, kes sulle üldse otsa ei vaata. Ja see on okei. Olles aga ise rõõmus, naeratav ja aktsepteeriv, tood sa nii mõnelegi tõsisele näole naeratuse.

Peale lõunat käisime me kohvi ja teed jagamas. Võtsime iga päev sama käru koos tasuta Piiblite ja muu kirjandusega ja läksime. Vaevu sai kõik valmis pandud kui juba oli meie ümber 7-10 inimest, kes teadsid täpselt, kes me oleme ja mida teeme. Võib-olla seetõttu, et nad on seda kõigest 20 aastat iga päev teinud. Aga võib-olla on sel muu põhjus. Inimesed kogunesid ja jäid suhtlema üksteisega. Mõni uudishimulik tahtis teada, miks me seda teeme, oli ka neid, kes soovisid palvet, selgitusi Jumala kohta, ja vähemalt üks inimene päevas otsustas oma elu anda Jumalale.

Neljapäeval tegime koostööd One Heart kogudusega, kes on 2 aastat järjest kord nädalas tund aega käinud tänavatel evangeliseerimas, tegemas aaretejahti. Auhinnaks muudetud elud ja Jumalale au toomine. Nimelt palvetati enne, et küsida Jumalalt, keda me kohtame täna ja mida Ta tahab nendele inimestele öelda, ja siis mindi otsima antud inimest. Isegi, kui ei saadud midagi kindlat, siis mindi lihtsalt tänavale, räägiti inimestega Jumalast ja muust ning palvetati nende eest.

Mul oli rõõm olla koos noormehega, kes on seda 2 aastat praktiseerinud väga julgelt. Tegelikult ei teinud ta midagi erilist, ta lihtsalt läks inimeste juurde, küsis, kas neil valutab midagi ja siis palvetas, et valu kaoks. Mulle näis ta kui julgeim ja enesekindlaim inimene maailmas tol päeval, kuid tegelikult ta lihtsalt usaldas Jumalat. Inimestega rääkimine tänavatel ja palvetamine peaks olema täiesti tavaline nähtus, ometigi paneb see nii mõnelgi jalad värisema. Tegelt ma ei saa väga üldistusi teha ja kui aus olla, räägin ma vist rohkem iseendast. Tema enesekindlus oli mu jaoks tohutult inspireeriv ja kõnekas ning tuletas meelde, kes on mu Isa.

Aga nüüd, üks lugu sellest õhtust. Me olime juba mitmete noortega rääkinud ja nende eest palvetanud, kui mu partner Marvin tundis, et peaks minema ostukeskusesse. Seega me läksime. Sealt leidsime eest 5-7 pealise poistegrupi. Küsisime, kas neil valutab kuskilt ja üks nende seast ütles, et ta selg on valus hoki mängimisest. Me palvetasime 3 korda ta selja eest. Peale kolmandat korda hakkasid nad rootsi keeles rääkima (eelnev vestlus oli kõik inglise keeles) ja Marvin tõlkis mulle, et too poiss ütles, et ta seljavalu on kadunud! Tema ja ta sõbrad olid täiesti hämmingus. Marvin samuti tundis, et ta peaks tolle noormehe ema eest palvetama. Selgus, et ta emal on hetkel rasked ajad ja ta vanaema on suremas. Seega me palvetasime ka nende eest. Meil oli hea meel, et Jumal meid nende poisteni juhtis ja et saime nende eest palvetada ning Jumala armastust nendega jagada.

Teisel nädalal vahetasime riiki ja läksime Norra! Oppaa. Imelised mäed, orud, piltilusad vaated.. no peaaegu. Me olime ühes armsas väikses piirkonnas Rootsi piiri ääres, seega tegelikult mägesid ei näinud, aga Rootsi tagasi sõites nägime! Seal jagasime koos umbes 100 ywam-eri ja kohalikega juba ainult enda tiimi inimestega üle 500 Piibli nädalaga. Piibleid kokku oli ostetud umbes 80 000 ja kodusid 132 000, et terve maakonna kodud läbi käia. Hästi tore oli!

Lugusid on oiiii kui palju, aga ma jagan vaid paari:

1. Läksime parasjagu uksele koputama, kui meie juurde sõitis auto. Arvasime, et uks, millele hakkasime just koputama, oli tema kodu uks. Aga ei, ta olevat meile järgi sõitnud, et Piiblit saada, kuna ta enne ütles, et ei soovi Piiblit, aga oli nüüd järgi mõelnud ja soovis.

2. Kuulsin lugu ka mehest, kes ei avanud ust, vaid valju häälega ütles, et ta on vannitoas/wc’s hetkel ja et nad kindlasti tuleks tagasi 15 min pärast.

3. Veel kohtasime noort neidu, kes hakkas just koos perekonnaga maja eest autoga ära sõitma. Mu partner läks siiski kiiruga nende juurde ja pakkus neiule Piiblit. “Tasuta Piibel? Tõsiselt?” kõlas väga suure imestusega neiu suust. “Ma sain tasuta Piibli!” Jagas ta autosse istudes kaasreisijatega.

4. Ühel paaril oli nii, et nad koputasid tükk aega, aga kedagi ei tulnud. Kui nad olid juba loobunud, tuli naine ukse peale, mitte eriti rõõmsas meeleolus. Ta vabandas, et ei vastanud varem, kuna rääkis telefoniga. Kui ta sai teada, et pakutakse tasuta Piiblit, ütles, et tal on seda just praegu väga vaja, kuna sai telefonikõnes teada lähedase surmast ja vajab lohutust. Juhus või Jumala hoolitsemine oma laste eest? Mina isiklikult juhustesse ei usu.

Me ei suuda ettegi kujutada vahel, kui suur igatsus on inimestel Jumala ja Tema Sõna järgi. Antud nädal näitas seda väga hästi

Hetkel oleme Dalarnas ja tegeleme siinsete noortega ja paljud neist on sõjapõgenikud. 2 nädalat on siim veel ees ja endiselt ootame väga kõikide palveid! Me oleme saanud paljud asjad palju odavamalt, kui arvasime, Jumal on meid varustanud vajalike soojade riiete ja jalanõudega ning me pole pidanud kordagi näljas olema. Niiet palvel on jõud!





But first – big big thanks to everybody who has been praying for us!! We have had wonderful time together. We have seen many God’s miracles and we have had very good communication and cooperation in the team even if we all are very different people. Like very different. But glory to God that everything is good!

But yes, unbelievably powerful time has been! Lectures are over so I can share with you many stories! So, we have been here already 5 weeks and we have 2 more to go. It has been so intensive that I haven’t had much time to write.. but now I do!


First week, ready, set, go!

First week we were in Stockholm. We worked mainly together with YWAM Stockholm and Santa Clara church. Days were full of activities, we didn’t have much time to rest. But would we need to rest? Okok, of course people need to rest and so did we, too. If God rested after creating the world then we also need some rest.

If you don’t know Santa Clara church then you must visit it! It’s a wonderfyl church and community! It used to be a catholic church but at the moment it’s beautiful lutheran church. Every day in the morning they give out food to people who doesn’t have other option to eat; during the lunch time they go to Plattan (a place bext to metro station) and share free coffee and tea.

During the food distribution many faces were known for the volunteers – they knew them because those people came to take food often or because those volunteers used to be one of the people who got food. It is amazing to hear stories of people who used to be homeless or in strong addiction but then God found them through Santa Clara people or some other way and soon were they the ones who helped those who were in the same situation that they had came out with God’s help. While taking food from rich choices of food, some look at you and smile, some say a kind word or two, some have a long one-side conversation with you so that next the next person in the line get mad, but some doesn’t look at you at all. And that’s okay. Being smiling, joyful and acceptive brings a smile to some very serious faces.

After lunch we went to Plattan. Every day they take the same cart with free Bibles and other literature and go. You couldn’t even have few minutes for preparation when already 7-10 people are surrounding you and they know exactly who you are and what you are doing. Maybe it’s because they have been doing it for 20 years every day. But maybe there’s another reason. People gathered and stayed to communicate to each other. Some curious ones wanted to know why we were doing it but there were also those who asked for prayer, explanations about God and at least one person on each day we were there, decided to give his/her life to God.

On Thursday we were out with One Heart church who have been going to the streets for 2 years once a week for an hour to do evangelism, treasure hunt. Changed lives and bringing glory to God as a prize. Before going to the streets, we prayed for God to show us who do we meet today and who is open to God today. Then we went out, 2 people together. Even if you didn’t get a picture or word, you still went and prayed for people, talked to them and shared His love.

I was glad to be together with a guy who had practised it for all those 2 years very bravely. Actually he didn’t do anything special, he just went to people, asked if anything was hurting and prayed for the pain to go away. To me he seemed to be the bravest and most confident person in the world on that day even though he just trusted God and did what He asked him to do. Talking to people on the streets and praying for them should be very normal but it still makes legs shaking for some. Actually I can’t really make generalizations and to be honest, I think I’m more talking about myself. His confidence was so inspirational for me and reminded me who is my Father.

But so, the story from that evening.. We had talked to and prayed for many people before we met this boy. Marvin (my partner) felt like going to the shopping mall so we did. There we saw a group of 5-7 boys and when we asked if they have some pain then one boy said that his back is hurting from playing hockey. We prayed 3 times. On the third time he suddenly started to speak in swedish (they talked in english before) and Marvin translated for me that he said that the pain was gone! He and his friends were in shock. Marvin also felt like praying for this boy’s mom and he confirmed that his mom is very stressed and his grandma is close to passing away. So we prayed for them, too. We were very glad to get to meet them and pray for them and talk about God’s love for them.

On the second week we changed the country and went to Norway! Oppaa. Mountains as in fairytales, picture perfect views.. well almost. We were in a lovely small town near swedish border, called Sarpsborg, so we actually didn’t see any mountains while staying there. But we did see some when we went back to Sweden! In Norway we had Bible distribution together with around 100 ywamers and many locals. Already only with our 5 team members we gave out around 500 Bibles during the whole week! All together there were bought 80 000 Bibles and visited 132 000 homes to go through all the homes in the county. It was so lovely!

There’s soo many stories but I will share only few of them:

1. We were just about to knock on a door when a car came to us. We thought that the owner of the house came home. But no, he had been chasing us to get a Bible because when we knocked on his door then he had said no but now he really wanted it.

2. I heard a story about a man who didn’t open the door but was telling with loud voice that he is in the bathroom/toilet right now but he really wants to have a Bible so they should come back in 15 minutes.

3. More we met a young girl who had just started to leave home with her family. My partner stopped them right before they started to move with their car and offered the girl a Bible. “Free Bible? Seriously?” She responded in amazement. “I got a free Bible!” Was she happy to announce as she sat inside the car.

4. One pair was knocking on a door quite some time but nothing happened. When they had given up and thought about going to the next door, a woman came. She didn’t look happy at all. She said sorry for not answering before, she was talking on the phone. When she found out that they offered free Bible, she said that she really needs it right now to comfort her because when she was on the phone, she was informed that someone close to her had passed away. Coincidence or God taking care of His children? I personally don’t believe in coincidences.

We often can’t even imagine how much people are searching for God and His Word. So it was amazing to be part of something so big and see how thankful people were for receiving a Bible.

2 more weeks are to come and you can still pray for us!



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